Happy 2023!!!
Let me start by saying that the last few years have been interesting. For me, 2020 was a pivotal point in my life, 2021 kicked me in the gut, however, 2022 was finally the year that I made a CHOICE to live life.
I know that sounds a bit odd, but it's true. Loss can make you examine your life and how you live it, and that's precisely what happened. I began to take my mental health more seriously and learn the standards for my life.
Let me encourage you to examine your life for the new year. No more FOMO (Fear.Of.Missing.Out) when you live the life you want you may have to miss a few things, by doing the following:
- I want to charge you to take inventory of the things in your life. What needs to stay and what do you need to let go of?
- Do a self-assessment of where you are in life. Think about what your desires are and how you can do your part to achieve them.
- Gather with your strategic friends and make goals on how to help each other level up and be great. Make those brunch meet-ups count...lol
- Be intentional with yourself, your time, and your peace.
- Make the time to do the things that make you not just smile, but laugh. A good ole LOL does a body good. In the upcoming year as many people, places, and things present themselves, ask yourself if this/they fit in the plans that you have made. When you have your answer proceed accordingly.
2023 is for clarity, choices, and simplicity. I pray that once you gain clarity on what's been foggy in your life you will have the courage to make the choices necessary to live the life of simplicity you deserve, free from all of the chaos that life can sometimes bring.
2023 the year of the G.O.A.T. I'm from the Michael Jordan era, and when I hear 23 that is what I think of...the G.O.A.T. May this be your greatest year of all time. May this year catapult you smack dab into the place that you have been longing to be. This time make it count!
I'm truly excited about all of the amazing things in store for you. I have some great things coming down the pipeline in 2023, and I can't wait to share them with you.
Until next time choose to be really good to yourself!
P.S. If you are not already connected with me do so. You will receive the first updates on what's to come.
Facebook: Coach Timeka
P.S.S ( Is that a thing?...lol)
Need help with gaining your clarity? Schedule a consult so we can work that thing out.
Timeka T. Stredick
Your Best Self Coach