Embracing MotHERhood



 Hello Beauties!

It is February the month of L-0-V-E!

This month my social media content will be focused on encouragement and the many faces of love.

  • Self love
  • Parental Love
  • Extending Love
  • Receiving Love

As mothers we need to learn to receive and extend love, even if we didn’t receive it much growing up. Expressing love with our children is so very important. Saying it until it becomes natural and hug it out until it feels good , even if it wasn't your norm.

Can I share something with you?

Someone asked, why do I put HER in all caps when I talk about MotHERhood,

I said “I’m glad you asked.”

I coach women who have become mothers. I help them understand that they were women first, with femininity,grace and beauty. Just because they now have children, they don’t have to lose that, matter of fact it is important to embrace it.

The HER in MotHERhood is in all caps as a reminder to keep herself and illuminate herself through the role of taking care of her children.

The HER in MotHERhood is in all caps so that she stands out and does not lose herself in the hustle and bustle of being a great mom.

You can do both!  

You can be both!  

Why, because you are a woman perfected in God’s image. You have the power, you always have, you just have to tap into it.

Do you not understand how powerful you are? God used your body as a vesssel to bring another human being into this world. God already pronouced that you would do a phenomenal job at MotHERhood when He chose you.

It's time for you to come into agreement and own it!


A great coach always gives homework, so your homework is....

walk with your head high, shoulders back, because you are the “ish” act like it!

It’s time for you to own your greatness.


Now again this is the month of Love. Make sure that you love on yourself. Be a little extra with yourself. If you order an Ice Cream Sundae, make sure to get sprinkles and the cherry on top..lol

Share this with every Mother that you know to encourage her today!

Make sure to connect INSTAGRAM ,FACEBOOK , & SUBSCRIBE to my email list, so you can be a part of what’s in store for Love month!

Until we chat again,

Choose to be really good to yourself.


Coach Timeka


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