It’s been a while since we have been able to chat. It is overdue time for us to catch up. I have been parenting, adulting, and living life, which I’m sure you have been as well. I’ve also been in the “lab” working on some amazing things that I can’t wait to share with you soon.
Listennnnnn, we all survived 2020 and are now in the year 2021. It was a year ago this month when I published my first blog post. Needless to say, I've learned so much since then. This time last year, we can look back and think where we were, and the uncertainty we experienced even if for a moment when we heard the word COVID-19 and PANDEMIC! This was for sure uncharted waters, but the greatest lesson I learned is that we can plan all day, but God always has a greater plan.
As most of you know I have 2 children and my oldest was set to graduate in the year 2020. There are a few moments that parents REALLY take time and prepare for in their children’s life. Senior year is one of them. So, in the first quarter of last year all of our plans were cancelled, so we thought. It wasn’t until one day I was sitting in thought about everything that was going on around me, and it hit me, you may have not planned for this, but God did.
My plans we not cancelled but rerouted to their original design from God. In September of 11th, 2001 I was 7 months pregnant with my first born. I remember getting ready for work and hearing that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center, and then another one. The uncertainties of a young first-time mother rushed over me. But just like God saw me through carrying my child back then, He is the same God, and He is still able and will “carry” us through this.
So, backtrack to the plans we thought were cancelled, God gave me witty ideas and put my creative brain to the challenge. I reached out to my crew and everything went off without a hitch for my 2020 graduate.
God was allowing me to reflect and then come full circle to the uncertainties of the present day to show me that He’s got this! Just as this moment of reflection occurred for me, I want to encourage you that your plans are not cancelled they may have just been rerouted. You are resilient and there is nothing that you cannot get through with God on your side. If you think about how, you have overcome 100% of your worst days and every weaponed that was formed never prospered. That’s enough to SHOUT right there! I know when you are in “the thick of things” sometimes it’s hard to see your way out but hold tight to the fact that all things do work together.
Two key ways of thinking have become a consistent part of my life now a days that have played a huge role in shifting my perspective and perception.
I talk to God now more than ever. Seriously, as I go throughout my day, I say things like “Okay God you’re going to have to take this, because I will mess this thing all the way up! M’Kay. And if I’m really going to be honest, I have learned to monitor my levels of grace. Yes, I know that sounds funny but when I know I may not be able to proceed with grace, I take a second to reassess or remove myself because my grace has lifted. Now you may not have this dilemma, but as for me I am still working with God as He works on me. I find when we give God custody of our day, even we can’t mess it up. Everything serves a purpose therefore everything has purpose, because you are purpose!
When I can’t find the answers I need, I acknowledge that I am clueless and say these words, “God show me_________.” Fill in the blank as you see fit or not at all. God show me how, God show me who, and God show me where, are my most common phrases. Seriously, you would be surprised at taking this approach how things will just fall into alignment. The phone may ring out of the blue with the answer you needed.
A prime example just a few weeks ago, I was contemplating venturing out into something new. Now to be honest I had no clue how to get started. Well, days later, God placed someone on my mind, and I felt led to reach out to them. In our conversation they said” Have you ever thought about _____? I said yes, but I didn’t really know how to go about getting it started. Their reply was the answer to one of my “God show me how.”
What I’ve found is that God don’t need our permission to fulfill his purpose for our lives, but a little participation wouldn’t hurt…lol When we take our cares and concerns to him, there are no coincidences that when you are nudged to call someone, go to a place or do a thing is how you participate in the promise God has planned for you.
A good coach always gives homework, and here it is. Take sometime today and reflect on how you can participate in the promise God has planned for you. You are equipped and well able to see ALL things through!
"When we give God custody of our day, even we can’t mess it up."
You’re Amazing, You’re Fantastic, You are POWERFUL!!!
Until we chat again. I promise I won’t stay gone so long next time…lol
Remember I’m always cheering for you.