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Woman's History Month

You are a Pioneer

March 17, 2023

Happy Women’s Month!

It’s March and that means that it is Women History Month! I want to take this moment to salute you because you are “Women’s History.” You do not have to be famous or a celebrity to be considered a pioneer in the women’s movement. In a paraphrased term, a pioneer would be a person who is first to settle or explore new land.

Many of my clients, friends, and myself would be considered the "first" to have the courage to brave unchartered territory from their surroundings. It could be choosing to do things another way than you were taught, or even having blind faith and trusting God through a trying time because you had no other choice.

I want to share a synopsis of how I have put my stamp on the women’s history movement and why I consider myself to be a pioneer.

I had my whole life mapped out my senior year in high school every detail all the
way down to the white picket fence. Let’s just say that is the only thing that I
got right was the white picket fence, and that came much later than I planned…lol

As my purpose began to unfold, I found myself in a place where I was in position
to wear many hats, but I had no idea how to be what I had become, if that makes sense.

I was already a woman of course, however becoming a wife, and a mother were foreign to me. Foreign not in the sense of unfamiliar, but foreign in the aspect of how to do it differently than what I knew of. At this point I was trying to be all three titles and lacking in each area.

After applying a combination of what I knew, what I witnessed, and what I thought. I was flunking my own self-proclaimed class of Timeka’s Theology.
One day I decided to talk to God and give Him what I viewed as my shortcomings and the rest is history.

See,I realized that because my idea wasn’t God’s ideas and my way wasn’t His
either, I kept feeling unfulfilled. Spoiler alert, when God does things His way,
we, as my friend Tavis says, take the scenic route to purpose.

I asked God to allow me to be in a position to be available for my children and
present for my family. I didn’t think that He was going to allow me to be laid off
my corporate job to do it. Fast forward to years later I have taken the time to
do the work and be in position to change the trajectory of my bloodline. And because I have personally gone through the process. I have the “receipts” that change can be done, being different is not easy but necessary for the journey you


I write today to give you hope that greater is on the other side, you just have to keep going. I am traveling this journey and it’s my desire to help those who don’t see a way, those who want to quit in the thick of things. I didn’t quit, I couldn’t quit because there are women just like me who need me. Standing up for what others shy away from, speaking when others are silent. That takes courage and that is what a pioneer is made of.


This is a snippet of my story, but what is your story? Everything you have withstood and overcome makes you amazing. I am a Woman Pioneer and so are you. Embrace who you are and where you are, all while looking forward to the great things in store.

What is your Pioneer story? I’d love to hear.
Celebrate yourself, you are a special attribute to Women’s History.

If you need help to navitigate from where you are to where you desire to be, let's work together to get you that life you so desire.

Before I close, let me ask you something off topic…lol

Have you signed up for my 5-Day Virtual Declutter Challenge yet? I have some decluttering to do and I wanted to extend the invitation to you.

It’s absolute FREE click here to join!

Connect with me on Social Media: Instagram & Facebook

Let’s be great together.

Until next time choose to be really good to yourself,
Coach Timeka